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The Tragedy of Comic Sans

The Tragedy of Comic Sans

In what may be the definitive final argument in the Comic Sans wars (those of you who attended my FileMaker DevCon session know what I’m on about), Pixartprinting via Sara Boboltz of Huffington Post have given us an infographic that shows the true economic and...
The Purpose of Icons

The Purpose of Icons

Most software designers rely on icons as an essential element of design. Used correctly, they convey ideas more quickly than words, and they often take up less space. In addition, they break up the monotony of textual information, including fields that may or may not...
DevCon San Antonio – Another Successful Year

DevCon San Antonio – Another Successful Year

Attendance was up at FileMaker DevCon 2014 in San Antonio, Texas. Alchemy Group President Bob Shockey wrapped up all three afternoons with a design panel on Tuesday, sharing the stage with Heather Winkle, Matt O’Dell, Don Levan, and Andrew Paulsen; a session on...
Bob Shockey to Speak at DevCon 2014

Bob Shockey to Speak at DevCon 2014

Alchemy Consulting Group founder and CEO Bob Shockey will once again speak at the FileMaker Developer Conference. This year, Bob will start with a discussion of ?real-world type design in FileMaker Pro and Go, including some typography basic information and an...
Interface Copy Rules

Interface Copy Rules

I found a great article from a designer at Google Ventures, about how to use text in interface design. Anyone who follows Alchemy Group knows that we focus heavily on the visual design aspects of interface design in our FileMaker business ?solutions. This article...
Experience & Style

Experience & Style

Alchemy Consulting Group president Bob Shockey is speaking at the Experience & Style conference in Chicago on Tuesday, October 22. If you have not yet heard about this important conference, please check it out at Bob’s topic:...