Got 60 seconds to learn the real value of custom software? Check out the video to learn more.
SkyNet, Skeuomorphs, and You

SkyNet, Skeuomorphs, and You

On occasion, I find myself obsessed with a set of concepts ? an internal conversation, if you will – for which I have no single, definitive term. In place of the tidiness of a self-limiting word is a whirling, soupy m?lange of random thoughts, half-baked ideas,...

Quality Control Teamwork

Here at The Alchemy Group, we pride ourselves on solid code and great interfaces. Part of delivering that to you, our valued client, rests in top-notch quality control. That’s why we are happy to announce the addition of Monique Guzman to our team. Monique is...
Lookout! Toast!

Lookout! Toast!

We bought a new toaster. It was necessary after.. the incident. But never mind that. The interesting thing about this toaster is that it beeps when the toast is about to pop up. “Lookout! Toast!” I’m not sure why this is necessary, because the...

FileMaker DevCon 2012 All Wrapped Up

Since 1999, I have been to every FileMaker DevCon except for two. That made this my twelfth, and I have to say that this was a very good one. Not only was the caliber of material very high this year, but some of this year’s biggest sessions were recorded for...

Pre-DevCon Webinar: Long Live Your App!

If you are a FileMaker Technet or Business Alliance member, you can attend a pre-DevCon webinar I am presenting next Thursday, June 28. This is a highlights-only version of the “Long Live Your App!”session I will be presenting at DevCon 2012 in Miami. Hope...