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Experience & Style
Alchemy Consulting Group president Bob Shockey is speaking at the Experience & Style conference in Chicago on Tuesday, October 22. If you have not yet heard…
Experience and Style

Alchemy Consulting Group president Bob Shockey is speaking at the Experience & Style conference in Chicago on Tuesday, October 22. If you have not yet heard about this important conference, please check it out at

Bob’s topic: Designing with Type: Lessons learned from advertising, newspapers, and the world at large. This is a difficult topic for many developers, and rightly so. From the session description:

Typography is a primary element of graphic design. While our choices are more limited in FileMaker, there are core typographic skills that every developer should have. Join Bob Shockey from Alchemy Consulting Group on a journey through the key aspects of this important subject. Examine what can be learned from magazines, newspapers, and advertising. Learn the essential elements of typographic design. See hands-on techniques for organizing data for a design, and how to arrange, differentiate, and standardize data on a screen or printed page.

Hope to see you there!


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