Thoughts on Design, FileMaker, DevCon, Pause on Error, ROI (Return on Investment), and anything else related to what The Alchemy Group does on a daily basis. We care, so we share whatever we can with you. We are a full-featured FileMaker Pro development shop, with years of experience building systems for businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations exactly like yours. Your unique processes will be exactly mirrored by the custom software we write for you, whether it’s for mobile or desktop.

FileMaker 19 Promises a New World of Development
A huge acceleration of the Claris platform is occurring as integration with JavaScript becomes a native feature. This makes it possible to bring any of thousands of existing open source javascript libraries into a FileMaker app.

Alchemy Client Judson Studios in the News
Long-time Alchemy Consulting client Judson Studios is profiled in this excellent L.A. Times article.

Claris in the Spotlight: Low-Code in the Time of COVID
Sometimes all it takes to discover a great thing is an acute need. Our clients most often come to us when they have a unique problem to solve. Read this great article on just how that's happening in this historic moment:...

Business Apps Through the Lens of Pandemic
Advances in computer systems have made it easier than ever to collaborate with your teammates across even log distances.

Worst Case: Disaster Planning and Recovery
Thinking about the Unthinkable Most humans don’t like to think about worst-case scenarios. It’s stressful and, usually, unproductive to dwell on the bad things that might happen. Yet every business small owner, every CEO, every IT department head, knows that at least...

Claris Connects You To Everything
A good craftsman keeps a good set of tools at hand. The toolset available to us here at Alchemy Consulting Group just got a whole lot better, with the release this week of Claris Connect. This exciting new addition to the Claris Family of products creates workflows...

The big news today is about the SNAFU in the 2020 Iowa Caucus, involving problems that are being blamed on an app that was developed to compile and report the candidates’ results. With 21 years of providing software to our clients, I can say that software is...

How Healthy is Your Data?
The Diagnosis: Stuff Blind My wife and I comment on “stuff blindness” – the ability to “not see” things we leave lying around the house. She doesn’t notice elastic hair bands that she takes out wherever she happens to be sitting. I don’t notice when I leave a pair of...

MegaToDo Tops 100 at ShockeyUX
ShockeyUX, an Alchemy Consulting Group company, is proud to announce that MegaToDo has topped over 100 downloads. MegaToDo, better to-do management for FileMaker’s Workplace Innovation Platform, gives developers advanced features for managing To Do lists for any...

End Deployment Headaches
Developing an app for a client, especially an enterprise system that runs a small company, can be a huge undertaking. It’s not surprising that most of us don’t really think very far past the development stage. The thing we forget is that for many users, this may be...